Return to Jesus this Christmas


Thanksgiving is passed and the Christmas season is upon us. Halls are decked, silver bells are ringing, mall Santas are checking their prop lists twice to see who's naughty or nice. All of our schedules are bursting at the seams with holiday parties, school plays, live nativities, cruising around looking at lights, and watching all the fun holiday films by the light of the tree while eating all the goodies. I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a festive Christmas-themed rumination, but the truth of the matter is, no matter how much I love it, my mind just is not set on ruminating over Christmas this year. My focus is beyond the distraction of twinkle lights and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and has landed solely in the promised land of the New Year.

We have decided to make several changes for the coming year that will allow us more time to focus on ministry and family. They are changes that maybe should have happened sooner, but honestly, I was too scared to step out in faith. This past year has been an amazing season of stretching my faith, building my spiritual stamina, and coming to understand that as a child of Christ I will always be provided for when I ask in faith. God wants the very best for his children, but his children have to be willing to ask. To not accept the basic “I got saved” package, but instead to acknowledge that we have been upgraded to the top-tier luxury package of sanctification and redemption. We are walking away from the wilderness of just enough and dancing into the promised land of more than enough milk and honey. I am excited to run to Christ like the 10th leper in Luke 17:11-19. Ten lepers were healed, and nine of them were perfectly happy to be healed and not getting worse. But that 10th leper, he had the faith and desire to run back to Christ with thanksgiving and zeal and in return was not only healed, but was completely restored.

So I encourage you, saints, that as we spend this holiday season being grateful and comforted and joyful, do not forget that as the new year comes, we have a grand opportunity to take this year by the horns. Put the devil and his suggestions under your feet, and run back to Christ over and over and over to receive all He has for you. Stay in his Word. Pray without ceasing. Ruminate constantly that you are a child of the most high King, and never forget the blood of Jesus.

- R.M.N.

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