The Precious Blood

What is the significance of the Blood of Jesus? The Special Blood…? The Precious Blood…?

We always hear about preachers saying "the Blood. The Blood. The Blood." Jesus poured out his blood for us. What does that mean? Why did he do that? Well today I want to give you a taste of that. We know that thousands of books have been written about the Blood, and so many preachers have preached many sermons on the Blood. So I am not saying you will learn everything today. But I want to teach you something. I want to give you little understanding. This will be my hope to give your heart worship to Christ and glory to God as you think about the Blood of Jesus.

The Life is In the Blood.

…the life of every creature is its blood: its blood is its life…
(Leviticus 17:14)

The life of all things is in their blood. The life of man is in his blood. If you have no blood in your body, you will not have life. You have to have healthy blood so that you will be healthy. We know that the Blood is life because when Cain killed his brother Abel, the Blood of Abel cried out to God.

When Cain killed Abel, this is called sin. This is part of what makes every man dirty in God's eyes. It is like we are covered in the overflow (poop). I know that is very bad. It is very bad. Cain killed Abel, but Jesus says if you have ever hated another person you have murdered them in your heart. If you have ever wanted to be with a woman who is not your wife, you have already committed adultery in your heart. It does not matter how big or small your sins have been. You are still very dirty before God. He cannot look on you. He cannot give his love to you because he hates to see the sin. And you have sin all over and on the inside. This is the very truth.

Prophet Isaiah says It is because of our sin that we are separated from God.

But my friends I tell you this...there is good news that is here. I will show you.


The Blood is Required for Sacrifice and Forgiveness.

…without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins
(Hebrews 9:22)

This is the sign of the covenant. Covenant means in the Hebrews, "to cut". God shed the Blood of the animal when he covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve after they sinned in the beginning time. When God made covenant with Abraham, he shed the Blood of animals. And they walked between the bodies of the animals and said "may this happen to me if I do not keep my promise."

In the old testament, God required for the Hebrews of Israel to take a perfect lamb who had no disease, no bad marks, that was perfect and pure. This lamb would live in their house And the people would take care of it as if it was their own family member. And then they would kill it by taking a knife to his neck and make the Blood pour out. Then they would sprinkle that blood on things and burn the body of the lamb to God. This is how God gave forgiveness of sins in the Old covenant.

We Don't Have to do this Anymore because Jesus is the Lamb of God.

Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
(John 1:29)

Jesus was come down from heaven into the body of his mother Mary before she was know her husband, when she was still virgin. And then Jesus grew up and become a man, making many miracles and teaching the people. He never did any wrong. He lived among the people, stayed in their houses and went to different towns preaching and healing all kinds of diseases and casting out demons and even raising people from the dead. He did all these things to show he was really God. And the people celebrated him as king and shouted Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

But then, the time came. God decided it was time for the sacrifice. This was to be the final sacrifice. God made this sacrifice. Jesus, as God, sacrificed himself to the Father. Prophet Isaiah says this was God's happy pleasure to kill the Son.

And his blood was poured out on the ground. This blood was poured out as a sacrifice the final sacrifice for all who would believe in him. Now our sins are totally gone forever because God can finally love us. By the sacrifice of Jesus. 

All the things in the old covenant were only shadows and foreshadows of this time in Jesus.

Why was Jesus Blood so Precious and Special?

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily
(Colossians 2:9)

The Bible says “In him the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily”. This means that Jesus blood was God's own blood. Because Jesus is God. We know that there is only one God. So that means there is only one blood of God. There are many bloods of bills and goats and sheep, but those bloods cannot take away sins. They only covered them up. It is like you put perfume of the overflow (poop) it covers the smell but the overflow still remains. Jesus Blood - because it is God's blood - it like the best soap and pure water from a clean fountain. And God is the one who is doing the work to scrub off the dirt and overflow. God is making us clean - not us doing anything.

Jesus Blood makes us totally clean. Now we have no more dirt from sin because God has made us clean.

Now we can have pure fellowship with God because he can now see us with pleasure.

“Follow this Example”

Jesus was also buried and raised the 3rd day and now he lives forever more, making intercession for the saints.

So too must you be baptized and you will be raised to new life by the same Holy Spirit that made Jesus alive again the 3rd day. You will receive the power of God living in you, so that you and God can never be separated even again. If you have believed on Jesus, and become a new creation, Now, you have the life and power of God himself living in you by the Holy Spirit.

There is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For they no longer walk under the flesh but walk in the Spirit. Ezekiel prophesied that God would do this, and so did Jeremiah. God will but his Spirit in us, giving us a new heart, causing us to walk in his way, and to be holy.

So then let us rejoice in worship to our God for making us new creations, because he has forgiven us all of our sins, and has cleaned us purely with his pure clean blood.

Halleluyah! Glory to God. Amen.

Brother JohnComment