The Beauty of The Gospel

The Gospel is beautiful.

This Good News will warn & warm, require & reconcile, admonish & assure, exhort & edify, confront & comfort!

I'm speaking of the gospel. The gospel of the Bible. Not the gospel of apostate men, nor that of the fallen deceitful angels. But the true gospel. The gospel which requires sacrifice. The one that commands me, even demands by its very nature, to take a genuine look at myself, in light of Scripture, seeing my helpless wicked state as a rebel against the majesty of my Creator. The one that shows me my only hope is in the price he paid for my ransom from being a prisoner of hell, a slave of sin, and a recipient of His wrath. The one that shows me he chose me for this salvation long before time was in existence, and that he initiated my faith in him, as he works all things according to the counsel of his own will. The one that says I am to work out this salvation with fear and trembling with the knowledge he is continuing to work in me both to will and to act according to his good pleasure. The gospel which by the Spirit inspires me to press on during afflictions both from without and within, and gives me the courage to give an answer for the hope that is in me. The one that warns that if I hold to all the creeds and work all good all my life but in the end turn aside, proving I was never saved to begin with. The one that promises if I am saved, he will preserve me until after the end, even if my arms and legs get drawn apart by horses and I be flayed alive, deep fried in oil, or banished to a prison island, to suffer at the hands of wicked men, have my house burned down, or even face drowning, or asphyxiation being impaled on a cross upside down. The gospel which assures me of my redemption and the hope of resurrection, where I shall one day see him as he is, face to Face, and I shall fall down at the foot of his throne, in humble adoration and eternal thanksgiving; gazing upon his nail scarred hands which are the only reason I am there to worship him and reign with him forever. for ever ever. I'm speaking of the gospel. This gospel is beautiful.

In light of eternity, what more or what less ought we concern ourselves with?

Brother JohnComment