Asbury in Ashes


You could be having what's happened at Asbury but you haven't been hungry enough for it.

Repentance at Asbury Revival

I guarantee you that God has tried to bring this to your Sunday morning gatherings... not even special services...I'm talking in your regular services. God's been wanting do the same thing in those time after time, but that's the problem - you call them regular services and so that's what you expect, and so you limit what the Sovereign Lord is commissioning by His Spirit. This isn't blasphemy. This is theology. You are commanded to not grieve the Holy Spirit. You are commanded to not let the fire go out. But that's exactly what you do every time the Spirit begins to move in your services. You look at the clock and realize it's time to move on and take up the offering. Why? "Because that's we do in the regular services." Or "that's what the people expect." "That's the way we've always done things." Or dreadfully even... You listen to king belly and realize it's time to eat. But your Father is asking for you to sit at his feet a little bit longer. Don't dribble that spikenard on his feet drop by drop thinking "oh, we could sell some of this to feed the poor". But rather break open that bottle and pour it out, lavish it upon him. For I guarantee you by the word of the living God: "the oil shall never run dry."

Keep pouring out the oil of your worship upon you King and Lord, the Lover of your soul. And keep chopping wood to fuel the fire that he lit in your spirit. Never let that fire go out. Keep pressing the olives, keep fanning the flames. The Father is already pleased with you because of the Blood he sees sprinkled upon you. So drop your shame at the curb with the rest of the trash. Don't bring that junk back into his home. The temple is being cleansed by fire. And every sacrifice is being salted with fire. Fire fire fire. Fire fire fire. Fire fire fire. God is the fire. Jump in the river and swim. It is time to begin enjoying your God FOREVER.

…more to come…

- BRN Ministries